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For past life regression and other spiritual techniques please visit Footprints from the past
For past life regression and other spiritual techniques please visit Footprints from the past
Adv Dip Hyp, Dip Hyp NGH, Adv.DPLT, DWMT, SAC Dip & NCFE, MPLTA, GHR Reg, NRH Reg, GQHP, Reiki Master
Renata is a highly qualified clinical hypnotherapist, published writer and speaker, with long and remarkable international academic and professional careers to her credit. After completing her Doctorate, she began practising hypnosis and regression in 1994 and since moving to the UK she has gained several formal British and American qualifications in Advanced Hypnotherapy and Counselling.
For nearly 40 years she has helped teenagers and adults to improve their lives and solve their problems while teaching in Colleges and in Adult Education in several different countries. She is now the director of her own successful private practice in North Harrow which she runs with the help of her husband Gary, where she offers one-to-one sessions, workshops and CDs/MP3s. She provides her clients with a dedicated, comprehensive choice of services for their physical, emotional and mental well-being, using a combined approach of Hypnotherapy, Conventional and Holistic NLP and Conventional and Holistic Counselling and Life Coaching, which makes her methods particularly effective and flexible for their most varied needs.
She is an experienced regressionist (Age and Past Life) and she has also trained with Dr Brain Weiss, the world-renowned authority in this field. She is conversant with advanced regression techniques which enable her to help her clients to get to the root of their problems and ensure long-lasting results (for more information about past life regression therapy please visit her dedicated website Footprints from the Past). She also specialises in Weight-Management, Stress Reduction, Stop-Smoking and Grief and Bereavement Counselling. With her caring, sympathetic and professional approach she has helped many people (mainly women) who have been victims of abuse to overcome their traumatic experience and build new, fulfilling lives.
She actively updates her expertise on an ongoing basis and she is fully insured. She belongs to some of the most prestigious national and international organisations in the field, regulated by a strict code of conduct where strict confidentiality is assured at all times. She is also the organiser and moderator of a Peer Support Group in North-West London for the General Hypnotherapy Register, the largest Association of Hypnotherapists in the UK.
Renata endeavours to provide support and guidance (via email and telephone) even after a client has left the premises, for as long as it benefits them. Her objective is always to provide a high quality bespoke service to those who put their trust in her, which is why she works only with a limited number of clients at any one time.
All her scripts are personalised, and you can be assured that they are created specifically for you and perfectly tailored to your problem and the causes that created it. We are all unique individuals with unique needs and unique solutions, and we know that having the same problem doesn’t mean that we can solve it in the same way. At The Apple Tree Renata will help your Subconscious to unleash your full potential.
All therapies are offered in English and Italian. Telephone sessions are available worldwide via Skype or conventional telephone connection. Renata is proud to say that she regularly has clients coming from all parts of the UK as well as many foreign clients from Europe, America and Asia.
Renata is passionate about her job and is committed to helping people improve their lives and discover their spirituality. Her clients and students find her inspirational.
Renata was born in the early 50s on the Italian Riviera near France where she graduated with honours (summa cum laude) in a branch of Linguistics in 1976. In the same year she moved to Padua, near Venice, and she began teaching in various colleges. Padua is a lively town with an international scholarly reputation, which hosts one of the oldest universities in the world, founded in 1222, and made famous by many illustrious scholars like Galileo - who taught there - and artists like Cimabue, Giotto, Donatello and Mantegna, to mention just a few.
While supporting herself with her teaching job she continued her studies and carried on her academic research, completing first a three-year Post-Graduate Specialisation in Modern Philology (Philology is the historical branch of Linguistics) with honours (summa cum laude), and then a PhD - partly prepared at the Sorbonne and Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris - in Neo-Latin Philology. She also qualified as a University Researcher in Italy and in France.
She has a sound academic background with more than 20 scholarly publications to her credit - including two essays which received excellent international reviews - and she is fluent in English, Italian and French. She has spoken at international congresses in Italy, France and Great Britain, and she has a lifetime’s experience in teaching and coaching in many different environments. She has been involved in numerous educational projects and curriculum settings; she has had tutoring responsibilities at her college and she also trained teachers and coaches, helping them to organise their seminars and courses. In 1996-97 she lectured in a Shanghai university on behalf of the Italian Foreign Office and she then moved to London, where she continues to live and work. In 1997 she graduated as a Reiki Master in Hong Kong.
Her research has been centred mainly on Symbolism with a special interest in Spirituality and History of Religions, which has led her towards Jungian psychology, the role of the Subconscious, and Hypnotherapy.
She suffered from psoriasis from the age of 12 and although doctors told her that it was a degenerative disease and could only get worse, she refused to believe them. In her early 20s she investigated alternative forms of healing, some very new and cutting-edge, using a holistic approach involving spirit, mind and body and she has been free from this disease for twenty years now.
She also does voluntary work for a British charity on a regular basis.
~ MA in Foreign Languages and Literature (summa cum laude)
~ Three-Year Post-Graduate Specialisation in Modern Philology (summa cum laude)
~ PhD in Neo-Latin Philology
~ Italian Teaching Certificate (with British DfEE accreditation)
~ Italian Teaching Qualification as a University Researcher
~ French Teaching Qualification as University Maître de Conférences
~ Diploma in Hypnotherapy (Certified Hypnotherapist) from the National Guild of Hypnotists
~ Diploma in Advanced Hypnotherapy from Hypnotic Solutions
~ Diploma in Specialist Training in Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation from Hypnotic Solutions
~ Diploma in Weight Management Therapy from Hypnotherapy South West
~ Diploma in Advanced Weight Control Techniques & Hypnotic Stomach Banding from John Dewar's School of Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy
~ Diploma as a Stress Management Consultant from John Dewar's School of Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy
~ Diploma in Age Regression Techniques from John Dewar's School of Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy
~ Diploma in Past Life Therapy and Hypnotherapy from the Past Life Therapists Association
~ Diploma in Advanced Past Life Therapy from the Past Life Therapists Association
~ Diploma in Future Life Progression from the Past Life Therapists Association
~ Diploma in Past Life Energy Therapy from the Past Life Therapists Association
~ The Weiss Institute’s Certificate in Professional Past Life Regression Therapy
~ Certificate of attendance of Past-Life Therapy Training with Dr Brian Weiss, from OMEGA Institute for Holistic Studies (Rhinebeck – NY – USA) (Full five-day training, October 2010)
~ Certificate in Sleep and Dream Disorders from The European College of Hypnosis
~ (DVD for practitioners) Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis by London College of Clinical Hypnosis
~ Certificate of NLP Master Class from London College of Clinical Hypnosis (presented by Bill Frost
~ Certificate of Understanding Blood Pressure and Primary Hypertension Using Hypnotherapy from London College of Clinical Hypnosis
~ General Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice from the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council
~ Diploma in Basic Counselling Skills (SAC Dip & NCFE)
~ Diploma in Advanced Counselling Skills (SAC Dip & NCFE)
~ Diploma in Grief and Bereavement (SAC Dip & NCFE)
~ Diploma in Energy Animal Healing (SAC Dip & NCFE)
~ Certificate in Holistic Colour Therapy & Counselling (Level 1) from the Iris International School of Colour Therapy (pass with Higher Merit)
~ Diploma in Animal Care (SAC Dip & NCFE)
~ Diploma in Animal Communication (SAC Dip & NCFE)
~ Reiki 1 Usui Shiki Ryoho with Vito Carlo Moccia (Padua - Italy)
~ Reiki 2 Usui Shiki Ryoho with Giuseppe Zanella (Levico - Italy)
~ Reiki Master Usui Shiki Ryoho with Tina Kalmar (Hong Kong)
~ Dr Brian Weiss's Workshop Many Lives, Many Masters: Experiencing Your Past Lives (London, 12 June 2010)
~ Soul Survival: A Conference Exploring the Evidence of Life After Death with Dr Brian Weiss, Dr Raymond Moody, Dr Joan Borysenko and John Holland, from OMEGA Institute for Holistic Studies (Rhinebeck – NY – USA, 22-24 October 2010)
~ 2011 International Annual Conference of The Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy (London, 29-30 October 2011)
~ Dr Brian Weiss's Workshop Many Lives, Many Masters: Experiencing Your Past Lives (London, 5 November 2011)
~ Media SuperConference for Hypnotherapists, NLP-ers and Coaches by Steve Miller (London, 12 November 2011)
~ Dr Brian Weiss's Workshop Many Lives, Many Masters: Experiencing Your Past Lives (London, 13 May 2012)
~ Two Day International Conference: 2013 Evidence Based Practice in Clinical Hypnotherapy organised by The London College of Clinical Hypnosis and the University of West London (Ealing - London, 25-26 May 2013)
~ Dr Brian Weiss's Workshop Many Lives, Many Masters: Experiencing Your Past Lives (London, 11 May 2014)
~ Dr Brian Weiss's 2-day Workshop Many Lives, Many Masters: Experiencing Your Past Lives (London, 30-31 May 2015)
Besides having more than 20 academic publications (scholarly books and articles) to her credit, Renata has also presented papers at many international congresses in Italy, France and Great Britain. She has published many professional articles concerning hypnotherapy and its numerous applications on various alternative medicine and spirituality websites, and she has given talks and lectures at public venues.Renata has collaborated with the magazine Chat - It's fate on several occasions, presenting some of her regressions, which were featured in the monthly column Dear Madeleine by famous author Jenny Smedley, and also – more recently – as independent articles.
Her personal story appears in Miracles Happen, by Dr Brian Weiss and Amy, E. Weiss (pp.121-125).
She has presented various talks at different venues and webinars. On 29th September 2013 Il Gabbiano News also published a long interview she gave to journalist Paola Orrico: Ipnosi, ipnoterapia e dintorni.
For more information on her activities as a writer and speaker, as well as links to her online publications and interviews please click here.
~ GHSC (General Hypnotherapy Standards Council)
~ GHR (General Hypnotherapist Register)
~ MPLTA (Past Life Therapists Association)
~ NRH (Nationally Registered Hypnotherapist)
~ HIM (Healing International Member)
~ IANDS (International Association of Near Death Studies)
Adv DPLT, DWMT, Reiki Master
In 2009 Gary joined the practice and since then he has been responsible for its administration and smooth running. Besides cultivating a life-long interest in psychology (in particular the Jungian psychology of the Unconscious) and Eastern religions, in 2002 Gary obtained his Reiki Master in the Usui tradition, while in 2009 he extended his interests and skills in the field of hypnotherapy by qualifying as an Advanced Past Life Regression Therapist and gaining a diploma in Weight Management Therapy.
~ Diploma in Past Life Therapy and Hypnotherapy from the Past Life Therapists Association
~ Diploma in Advanced Past Life Therapy from the Past Life Therapists Association
~ Diploma in Weight Management Therapy from Hypnotherapy South West
~ Reiki 1 Usui Shiki Ryoho
~ Reiki 2 Usui Shiki Ryoho
~ Reiki 3 Usui Shiki Ryoho
~ Reiki Master Usui Shiki Ryoho
~ Many Lives, Many Masters: Experiencing Your Past Lives by Dr Brian Weiss's Workshop (London, 5 November 2011)