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For past life regression and other spiritual techniques please visit Footprints from the past
For past life regression and other spiritual techniques please visit Footprints from the past
Hypnosis has helped people for thousands of years and now it can help
you too, for literally hundreds of different problems, big and small,
so that you can live your life to the full. To enhance its
effectiveness and make the therapy yield even faster results, in an age
when time and money are crucial, I use a new, modern approach that
combines hypnosis with powerful NLP and healing techniques.
Here below there are just a few of the most common problems that hypnosis can help you to solve quickly and efficiently.
“Wellness that is being allowed, or the wellness that is being denied, is all about the mindset, the mood, the attitude, the practiced thoughts. There is not one exception, in any human or beast, because you can patch them up again and again, and they will just find another way of reverting back to the natural rhythm of their mind. Treating the body really is about treating the mind. It is all psychosomatic. Every bit of it, no exceptions”
“Any malady in your physical body was a lot longer in coming than it takes to release it”
The most recent studies in quantum physics are proving more and more that the subconscious mind can alter those physical functions of the body that in the past were considered totally beyond our control and due exclusively to physical, mechanical reactions unconnected with the mind. It is becoming clearer and clearer that the source of all diseases is actually the mind. Through this newly acquired knowledge, physicians, scientists and practitioners are working together on a totally new approach to help people cope with, reduce (and often heal) diseases, even those which – until a short time ago – had been considered incurable. Hypnosis is an invaluable tool in this new, very promising field of research because it is the most efficient and the quickest way to reach the subconscious mind, and to obtain benefits in the treatment of even the most serious diseases.
I have developed a combined therapy of counselling, NLP, hypnosis, positive thinking and visualisation, to help people suffering from various physical ailments. The first step back to health is stopping them feeling a helpless victim, and empowering them again so that they can actively work on the process of recovering their physical health together with their psychological and emotional well-being.
I can also help you to cope with Physical Pain, Allergies, Vertigo, Addictions and Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms, Skin Problems (including psoriasis), Pre-Menstrual Syndrome and improving Sport Performance, a field in which hypnotherapy yields excellent results. For weight problems please refer to our dedicated page Weight Management.
Hypnosis combined with NLP techniques has also proved to be extremely effective in matrimonial/relationship problems, both for how you see yourself and how you deal with others. Usually in no more than three sessions (depending on your personal circumstances), the problem can be totally solved or strongly reduced (for more serious situations see the Regression section).
These are a few of the most common problems I deal with: Low Self-Esteem ~ Insecurity ~ Exam Nerves ~ Public Speaking ~ Shyness ~ Stuttering ~ Unworthiness/Guilt ~ Feeling Helpless ~ Procrastination ~ Decision Making ~ Accomplishing Goals ~ Bereavement ~ Grief ~ Loss ~ Letting Go ~ Coping with Changes ~ Matrimonial/Partnership Problems ~ Sexual Problems ~ Jealousy ~ Cutting the Ties ~ Over-Emotionality ~ Emotional Dependency ~ Overcoming Physical and Mental Abuse.
We were all
born with only two fears: fear of falling and fear of sudden, loud
noises. Any other fears and phobias have been acquired as time goes by.
Normally their origin is rooted in our past, often in our early
childhood, and they represent the exaggerated (from an adult’s perspective) reaction of a moment of
panic of the little child we once were. It doesn’t matter if now, as an
adult, we would not be traumatised by that event: we were at that time,
and we continue to respond in the same way every time we find ourselves
in a situation which - somehow - recalls that first occasion.
Each time it happens we react automatically in the same way
as we did as a child because that reaction has become our default
response. To make things worse for us, the memory of the original cause
is often buried in our subconscious and lost to our rational mind:
because we cannot retrieve it consciously, it eludes a mature revision
of the first sensitising event.
It is not possible to make a list of phobias and fears
because, being irrational, they can concern anything our mind is able
to conceive (I knew someone who was seriously frightened and upset by
dinosaurs for example). Some fears and phobias do not interfere too
much with our life (like dinosaurs!), but more often than not they do,
and we feel impaired and restricted (sometimes even severely
restricted) by the automatic and inappropriate way we respond. What we
need is to re-programme our subconscious mind and replace the frightened
response with a more positive and mature reaction.
The good news is that in the same way as in the past we
learnt the panic (or even terror) response quickly, we can now learn a
neutral, unemotional response equally quickly. To achieve this I use a
combination of hypnosis (to access your subconscious mind directly) and
NLP techniques (to re-programme your mind).
In many cases this is achieved in one single session. For
fears and phobias with more complex and deep-rooted causes, a couple of
sessions will be needed to solve the problem and to reinforce and fix
the new programme in the subconscious mind, so that it will become your
permanent new response.
"Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don't want"
The great majority of us live stressful lives: sometimes we can make adjustments and changes to our way of living in order to reduce or eliminate stress, but more often than not the triggers of our stress are beyond our control. This means that we need to find a way to cope with the stress and learn strategies for navigating through the day. Stress manifests itself in many different ways and can make us anxious and worried for no apparent reason. Stress can badly affect our life and - if not treated - can even lead to serious physical diseases which can sometimes have a fatal outcome, such as heart disease. Whatever their physical manifestations, stress, anxiety and worries drastically reduce the quality of our lives. Hypnosis can help you to free yourself from this treadmill, changing your approach and your response to external negative stimuli.
Some common manifestations of stress are: Anger/Irritability ~ Panic Attacks ~ Post-Traumatic Stress ~ Free Floating Anxiety ~ Negativity ~ Lack of Concentration ~ Mood Swings ~ Insomnia ~ Nightmares.
Do you find yourself at the end of each month wondering where all the
money’s gone? Do you want to improve your bank balance but find
yourself unable to add those all-important zeros to the end of it? Do
you feel that at job interviews you give a very reduced image of
yourself? Do you feel so self-conscious whenever you want to impress
someone that you end up in a Woody Allen situation?
Hypnosis can be of great help in all these cases because it
re-programmes your mind to enable you to project a positive, successful
image of yourself. To attract the right people and the right
opportunities we need to attune to their frequencies. The first step to
achieve this is to persuade your mind that you are successful and to
start thinking of yourself as a successful person. I can easily put you
back at the steering wheel of your financial life with hypnosis
combined with simple NLP techniques. If any of the following concerns
you, please give us a call: Prosperity ~ Stopping Compulsive Spending ~ Successful Interviews ~ Creating a Wealthy Mindset ~ Seizing and Creating Opportunities.
Hypnosis is a powerful method of improving your life and enabling you to reach your full potential. It helps you to Improve Your Memory and Unfold Your Creative Abilities.
Regression is the most powerful tool of hypnosis. Through regression, in a very few sessions (often only one), you can solve deep-rooted traumas whose effects limit or impair your psychological or physical well-being and which have always eluded all previous attempts at resolution.
age regression is not a goal but a tool which is part of the therapy,
among other techniques, used by the hypnotherapist to solve a variety
of problems and traumas that have deep roots in the past. It is also
part of the Inner Child Healing Technique and its various adaptations.
A client, however, might ask specifically for age
regression if there is something in their past that they want - for
whatever reason - to remember, but which eludes their conscious mind.
As I explained in the previous pages, all our experiences are stored in
the subconscious mind, even the tiniest and most trivial ones. If the
entire body of our memories were normally accessible by our conscious mind we
would be submerged in an ocean of memories which would be largely
useless, and this is why they are stored safely away, as if in a huge
Age regression is ideal if you wish to remember details of a past event in your life that is not necessarily traumatic, like retrieving lost items: for example if you don’t remember where you put an important
document, or your wallet. Through age regression you can relive that
past episode in full and remember that very small detail that eludes
your conscious mind.
(For more information on Past Life Regression and other related topics, please visit our specialised site Footprints from the Past).
do not need to believe in reincarnation to take advantage of this
powerful technique. Some people say that it is proof of the fact that
we have already lived before in other bodies, while others think that
it is just a symbolic way for our subconscious to communicate with our
conscious mind. Other people claim that our subconscious mind picks up
information from the Collective Unconscious as postulated by Carl
Gustav Jung. Whatever the cause of this phenomenon, it is a very
powerful and meaningful experience and an invaluable therapeutic tool.
may seek this experience for spiritual growth, and in this case I shall
guide you in the exploration of past lives as well as of the interlife
periods. If you are puzzled by recurrent dreams that seem to point to
another time and another life, we can investigate their possible source
and you might be amazed by what you discover.
Past life regression is also very beneficial for those who are
particularly frightened by the idea of dying, those who are terminally
ill and all those who are either caring for someone dying or are
mourning a recent loss. Exploring past lives and life between lives
gives a completely new perspective to the dying process and can bring
great peace and serenity.
It is also very helpful and comforting for those who feel a
special and deep bond with someone else, and wish to investigate better
the nature and roots of their spiritual and emotional connections.
This type of regression can also be used as an independent
therapy together with the many specific techniques that have been developed around it. Sometimes people find themselves describing what seem to be
past lives when looking for the root cause of a phobia or a fear. If
you are not comfortable with the concept of reincarnation you need not
worry because such recalls are exactly like those of your childhood in
age regression. The important thing is that - once you have retrieved the
memory at the base of your phobia or fear - I can help you to let it go
and move on. The understanding that comes from its retrieval is
normally enough to free you from its unwanted effect for ever.
Quite often PL regressionists simply facilitate the revision of previous lives and nothing else, while my goal is - through various Advanced Techniques – to help you to remove old blockages and emotional wounds that can still interfere with your present life, cut the ties with the negative emotions and limiting beliefs generated in those past lives, and let go of painful experiences.
Sessions of past life regression normally last between two and three hours and they include a free MP3 recording of the regression. When you re-emerge from hypnosis you remember everything, but just in case you want to double-check some details later on, like a name or a date for example, the recording will help you with that. I shall also advise you on what to do at home in order to get the maximum benefit from your experience, and I offer free follow-up support.
Click here for details about our workshops.
In this inexpensive Group Session Programme you will be in a friendly and supportive environment and you will have fun and make friends while reducing your weight. Please see our dedicated page Weight Management for full details.
Even if you do not have a specific problem to solve, you might feel the need of a “break” from everyday worries and stress to recharge your batteries. You might wish to relax but are unable to do so, no matter how much you try. When a recording is not enough for your needs, I offer relaxation sessions and classes, one-to-one and for small groups. Please contact us for details.
Learning self-hypnosis is like having a first aid kit always at hand.
Becoming proficient in hypnotising yourself will be useful in thousands
of different ways. It’s not difficult to learn and with a bit of
training you will soon become confident. The most common use of
self-hypnosis is to help you to cope with stress. When you hypnotise
yourself you take a short holiday and once you are familiar with the
process you can do it anywhere, even on the train while commuting. You
do not need a peaceful and secluded place to do it.
Self-hypnosis is useful in many other ways too. If you are
having hypnotherapy, self-hypnosis will be a powerful tool to anchor
and fix the suggestions you have received during the session. If you
have received hypnotic treatment, self-hypnosis will work as a
maintenance session. It will also give you the satisfaction of being
completely in charge of yourself.
Self-hypnosis can also be very beneficial in helping you to
motivate and focus yourself on a goal you want to achieve, through
correctly formulated statements that you will be able to fix in your
subconscious mind in order to fulfil your wishes.
If you are interested in learning Self-hypnosis you may be interested in attending one of our workshops on this subject (or learning it in an individual session). You will enjoy the feeling of being in charge of your mind and being the master of your emotions, in a friendly and supportive environment. You will learn how to improve your life and boost your confidence and decision-making abilities to deal with everyday challenges; plan a successful future and become proficient in creative imagination to improve your life. You will also learn how to be your own therapist through thought management and self-hypnosis, an invaluable "first-aid tool" that will help you in the most varied situations for the rest of your life. You will be shown hypnotic techniques that will make you popular with your friends: great fun is assured! If you want to know more about our workshops please check our page Various Workshops where you will find more details about this workshop, or contact us directly for the complete programme.